About Us

Bignest Farm is one of the most well-known Seed Farming service companies in North India, serving a wide range of seeds. Bignest Farm offers a wide range of Seed Farming, Animal Farming. Bignest Farmis a forward-thinking business that values Quality, dependability, and total customer satisfaction. Bignest Farm is presently known as one of the fastest growing Seed & Animal Farming Servie based company thanks to its creative approach and rigorous Quality.

Bignest Farm is one of the best Farm in North India. We are a team of horticultural experts, logistical masterminds, design geniuses, and lots of dedicated worker bees trying our best to earn the smile you wear on seeing the healthy, happy plants you receive. We are a young enthusiastic team, working behind the scenes to invite you into the secret life of plants. To nudge you to experiment, make mistakes, play, pause, and disconnect from the noise and find your centre. We have formed a proudly Made in India ecosystem that grows with each passing day.

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Our Services

We know we cannot plant seeds with closed fists.

Seed Farming
Italian Basil Seeds
Cherry Tomato Seeds
Broccoli Seeds
Parsley Seeds
Lettuce Romaine Seeds
Spinach Seeds
Chrysanthemum Mix Seeds
Celery Seeds
Thyme Seeds
Kale Seeds
Broiler Poultry Farming
Buffalo Dairy Farm
Country Chicken Farm
Fish Farming
Layer Poultry Farm
Goat Farming

Why Choose Us

We know we cannot plant seeds with closed fists. To sow, we must open our hands.” Seed farming is a trend that is becoming more famous by the day, but it is a joy which once experienced cannot be given up.. There are numerous benefits of growing plants from organic seeds. If you start your garden by planting seeds, then you have an extensive range of vegetables, herbs, and flowers to choose from. When life gives you dirt, plant seeds. Growing plants from seeds, both flowering plants and vegetables, is a satisfying experience. Sourcing good quality flower seeds and vegetable seeds from trusted sources is very important. Bignest Farm offers premium quality organic seeds in North India at the best prices with a guarantee of an excellent rate of germination. The seeds are well packed and preserved for high yield.

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